Tuesday, March 03, 2009


The long-awaited, much-anticipated (by me) sequel to Looking for Some Touch was released today and is now available at Loose Id. Seeking Something Wicked is Book 2 of the Utopia-X series. The itchy-in-the-pants and love-befuddled Coven of Three must identify, track down, and neutralize a truly bizarre female mutant who shares the philosophy of Templeton the Rat from Charlotte's Web: "Good things come to those who find 'em and shove 'em in their mouth."

By the way, Ridley Barron, one of the book's main characters, doesn't look like the dude on the cover. He looks more like the Prince of Persia -- if you can ignore the Prince's flamboyant outfit and focus on his facial features. So keep that in mind if you read SSW. (I wonder how many other writers get this goofy over how their characters are portrayed on covers. Really, I worry about myself sometimes.)


Clare London said...

I'm FIRST!!!!!! with the congratulations *lol*. I've got my copy already, saving it for my plane trip to NY. Actually, they may have trouble getting me off the plane the other end because of all the books I've got to read *lol*.

Looking forward to this and you must be very proud to see it released. *hugs*

And I'm nabbing a copy of that Persia pic to console me while I wait for *my* long-awaited new release...

K. Z. Snow said...

Oh, a fan! Octopus hugs back at you, Clare!

I just printed up the contract for the third book in the series, Exploring Savage Places. My editor thinks it's the best of the lot.

Isn't that man gorgeous? Have to admire an artist with that kind of imagination. ;-) As soon as I saw that pic, I thought, There's Ridley!