Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here's to the pudgy, balding guys!

It's been easy to swoon over all the hot young men participating in the Vancouver Olympics. Hell, there've been so many, I've lost track.

But last night, my heart was won over by a chubby, hair-deprived, blue-collarish guy named Steve Holcomb (far left in the photo above) who captained a four-man bobsled team and led them to the USA's first gold medal in that event since 1948. What's more astonishing, Mr. Holcomb nearly lost his vision, completely, to a rare eye disorder until it was corrected through experimental surgery.

So here's to the unpretty and unbuff men who took the sleigh called the Night Train past the finish line in record time. How sweet is a victory that's been 62 years in coming?


Jeanne Barrack said...

Woot! Woot!

Tam said...

That's sweet. I think it's amazing when these young athletes excel but there is something special about seeing someone who has put in the time and years and finally sees it all come together at the right moment. Congrats on the win.

Average Reader said...

I liked him, too, seeing him on tv. He seems like a really nice, unassuming guy.

K. Z. Snow said...

Thanks, Tam. I feel the same. Just watching the good captain sharpen and polish the Night Train's runners up until the moment they took off left me all mushy inside.

Yes, Val, he seems totally unpretentious. The cult of celebrity surrounding some of the athletes gets a bit sickening.

LVLM(Leah) said...

I noticed that many of those men and women on the bob sled teams didn't have perfect bodies, which I liked. Shows you can be healthy and active and still look like you chug beers and eat chips all day. :D

But IRL, I do like me some real men who are bearish and balding. Like them just fine. Along with the pretties of course. ;)

word veri: nutsm- those speedos those guys wear showed lots of nutsms these last few days. LOL

K. Z. Snow said...

Ditto, Leah, and :-D