Monday, August 19, 2013

How Readers Can Help Fight Plagiarism

This is just the latest case in too many recent cases of plagiarism in our corner of the book world. But I saw a glimmer of hope in S.A.'s post.

More often than not, it's an alert reader who notices suspicious similarities between already (and legitimately) published work and something that suddenly crops up, usually through a very small publisher or a self-publishing effort. So please, dear booklovers, keep your eyes peeled. If you get a sense of deja vu while reading, but you know the author is unfamiliar to you, give some thought to where you might have encountered that storyline/those characters before.

Many writers don't read widely enough in the m/m romance genre to troll through each book that's produced. The same is true of editors and publishers. They're too busy to scan every page of every new release. So we all rely on eagle-eyed readers and reviewers to detect signs of plagiarism. Obviously, no one person can devour the scores of stories that show up every week, but among the thousands of you, with your varied tastes, chances are somebody will have read both the original piece of fiction and its copied counterpart.

Thanks! (And thanks a hundredfold if you catch a thief!)

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