Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Social Media

It appears social media can be as much of a bane-mixed-with-boon experience for athletes and fans as for authors and readers. Read this article published by NPR (National Public Radio) News about some situations generated by the 2012 Olympics.

Clearly, it's time to get a life when you take either books or sports too seriously.


Tam said...

The IOC should know the tighter you try to hold someone, the more they are going to scream. They keep clamping down and clamping down because the sponsors demand it. I suppose if you are giving $50 million for the right to be the official hamburger of the Olympics, you are terrified that someone might promote your competition's burger and you'll loose that $2.50 because it takes a lot of $2 burgers to earn back that $50 million. But that kind of overwhelming big brother control only pisses people off, especially in the age of internet where people now expect more and more freedom of thought and expression.

I can see the logic if the IOC PAID the athletes in the Olympics. If you are an employee, by agreement you do what your employer says (or you quit) but without the athletes there ARE no Olympics so it's kind of ass backwards.

K. Z. Snow said...

That's what happens when big business gets its filthy fingers into anything. Nowadays, they have their fingers in everything.

How nice it would be if they made truly charitable contributions -- i.e., without demanding anything in return.

I'm equally freaked out by how stalkerish and vengeful some fans can be. What's their investment? "You're representing my country (or state or province or county or city), so if you lose, my life goes down the drain. That means you better win, mofo." HUH?

Tam said...

That is creepy. My response: if you think you can do better, have at it.

I have to say that when our swimmer got the bronze in swimming I scrolled through all the mentions on Twitter to see what was being said, and not ONCE did I see anything negative, or a "should have been silver" kind of comment. Everyone was extremely positive and happy about it. Perhaps because we're not considered an Olympic powerhouse no one expects much, so we're happy with anything. I feel for those athletes who are declared "sure things" because even if they can ignore the pressure, if they don't perform up to someone's standard, they are criticized so harshly and it's unfair. Better to be a nobody and come from behind and win a medal than the "sure thing" who loses.