The fourth and final volume of my Utopia-X series for Loose Id, Finding Where Love Lives, is due to be released on (gulp) January 5.

To Be Where You Are, the sequel to InDescent (which makes it the next step in the Jackson Spey/Adin Swift romance), should have a release date . . . shortly. Maybe early next week. Maybe.
I still haven't gotten a yea or nay on Jude in Chains (the novella centering on "reparative therapy" for homosexuals), which has been sitting for quite a while in an editor's computer.
The softcover collection of my three otherworld fantasies for Ellora's Cave still hasn't been issued. I have no freaking idea what's going on, except that my editor said she was working on the galleys -- about a month ago. Or more. I haven't even seen a cover yet and doubt that I will. The book may just appear . . . or not.
If you're starting to get the impression that e-publishing has turned into a waiting game just as long and frustrating as print publishing's waiting game, you're right. I'll tell ya, this is going to be a very, very lean Christmas.
Ooh, you've managed to get the same cover models for Jackson and Adin. Well done :).
January 5th is too far away. Want book now. *stamps foot*
Actually, Jen, I feel a little self-conscious about the Liquid Silver cover. The guys whose likenesses were used on InDescent apparently have no other photos available, so the artist tried coming up with new models. But they looked so different from the original Jackson and Adin that I didn't think it would be wise to use them. The artist felt her only option was to "recycle" the originals.
I also think January 5th is too far away, especially relative to the last U-X release. But LI's schedule is apparently too packed with holiday-themed stories to get it out sooner. (And since we're on the subject, I can't thank you enough for being so supportive of this series!)
Seems I've been doing a lot of sighing lately. There's not much else I can do. :-/
Now you mention it, it is the same cover swapped around a bit. Never mind at least people will associate it with the previous book. It would have been ridiculous to have had two completely different models - and perhaps confusing for the reader too.
It's only 6 months between books in the UX series. That's what you usually get in paperback books so many readers will be used to that system. I found it amazing when I began to read ebooks at how quickly the books were released. Perhaps it's better to wait 'til January anyway so your book doesn't get swamped in and amongst all the Christmas stories. After Christmas people will be ready for something different and your book will fill that gap.
Chin up, Missus. It'll all come out in the wash :).
Yep, the cover's essentially just reversed, with a hint of the Erzulie Freda veve (a voodoo symbol related to a specific spirit in the pantheon). As you said, it's preferable to having two entirely different men. Besides, I'm hopelessly hung up on the Jackson Spey image, which almost completely matches my image of him. Weird, I know! :)
S'pose you're right about the time lapse between books, Jen. It's just that a traditional advantage of e-publishing (and the one that most made up for the lack of significant advances, advertising, and royalties) was speed of acceptance and publication. Unfortunately, that's rapidly going down the tubes, and I see no other advantage taking its place.
It seems the only way for an author to secure a steady income is to become a veritable writing machine. But we all know how that can affect quality.
Well, I'll be in line to buy To Be Where You Are when it comes out. :D
By the way, I really loved Bastards and Pretty Boys Don't want to use the word sweet with it because that's not exactly correct. Intimate is the word. It felt intimate reading it. Very nicely written.
Word veri: rearchip buwahaha! I wonder if can can eat just one?
Hi, Leah!
Thanks so much, sweetie. To Be Where You Are has an ending I think you'll like. Of course, I want you to like everything that precedes it, too! ;-) I'm hoping beyond hope this novella comes out before the end of the year.
Jackson and Adin are still stirring in the back of my mind. I'm not sure what's in store for them next, but a wizard and former vampire sure as heck aren't going to have lives like Ozzie & Harriet Nelson. (Have you heard of them, young lady?)
Omigod--"rearchip." Hahahahaha!
Hey. Think of how I feel! I have a story more or less ready for Jan. (waiting edits) and am halfway done with its sequel, all without having the faintest idea if anyone will want a sequel. I'll be doing line edits on the first about the time I've ordinarily forgotten about the story and moved on to something else.
It makes me nervous.
My tag is monese. Which is rather appropriate.
Treva, it's easy to lose sight of the fact you're often in the same boat as the rest of us! ;-)
That's a long wait. Sigh. But I shall try and be patient.
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