Monday, March 15, 2010

Coming April 14 from Dreamspinner

Click on post title.
(Well, you don't have to, but if you're interested...)


Tam said...

Yay you!!! Love the use of lighting on the cover and that font, with the little pointy ends. Before we know it April 14 will be here.

Chris said...

Well, darn it, KZ. Here you are with yet another of these spiffy covers that I won't be able to use in the Misadventures. *hmph*

Average Reader said...

Nice! This sounds like a very intriguing idea. Is this the one I just won?

K. Z. Snow said...

Yes, Val, this is the one.

Sorry to rain on your parade, Chris. ;-)

Tam, the guy on the right is perfect for the character of Jude. And I love the men's facial expressions and their positions relative to each other.

Another winner from Dreamspinner!

Chris said...

*sigh* It's not you, KZ, it's Dreamspinner. Darn them for having original covers. ;)

Lily said...

Very nice cover and the story sounds most interesting!

K. Z. Snow said...

Thanks, Lily. Jude in Chains was one of those "have to write this" stories. They're always the most daunting (doing the subject matter justice and all that). Oy.

Jenre said...

I have to say that out of all your recent releases this is the one I've been anticipating the most. You've spent so much time telling us about it, and sharing your concerns about how it will be received, that I can't wait to read it.

Great cover too. I'm going to nick it for my side bar :).

Kris said...

What Jen said. :)

I've really been looking forward to reading this one and your approach to this issue, KZ. Can't wait.

K. Z. Snow said...

I should've kept my damned mouth shut.

P.S. Thank you, Jen.